
Friday, January 28, 2011

Pure Michigan: A Chance of Snow

Winter appears to be here to stay, might as well enjoy the plethora of winter activities that Michigan has to offer.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Featured photo - "GR" by Derek Nevenzel

An entry from Art Prize 2010 in Grand Rapids. This piece entitled "GR" by Derek Nevenzel was located at the Gerald R. Ford Federal Building US Courthouse. The sign was really quite impressive to see and was a favorite among many.
Photo by Greg Vedders

Michigan: A Qwiki

For fun, the other day I tried a search for Michigan on Qwiki (a quick online visual search engine that scours the web for answers to questions I've embedded the result of that search below.

Be sure to check for more Michigan topics (and other topics as well).

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Michigan!

Image: Idea go /
On this day in 1837, Michigan became the twenty-sixth state to join the Union. Please join us in wishing the glorious State of Michigan a Happy 174th Birthday.